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8978 results found

  1. Expose Favorites in Box Drive

    Favorites are becoming more and more popular now that they're better exposed (in the left rail) in the new Web App.

    As such, users expect to access their Favorites list regardless of which endpoint they're using - webapp (supported), mobile (supported), or desktop (not supported via Sync or Box for Desktop).

    REQUEST: Add a 'Favorites' view to Box for Desktop content (somehow) that allows the user to view only their Favorites (files + folders) just like they do in the webapp.

    160 votes
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  2. Select folders to sync

    Select folders to sync with Box Drive rather than having to sync all folders.

    159 votes
    15 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    Thanks for the feedback! Users already have the ability to selectively sync (mark content for offline access) today in Box Drive. What I believe you’re asking for is a curated view of content you select to show up in Box Drive. That’s something we’re considering as we think about how to solve the content sprawl issue in Box Drive.

  3. My Collections on Box Drive

    Just wondering you may develop 'My Collections' function on Box Drive.

    156 votes
    19 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    Thanks for the suggestion! We are looking at how to improve content sprawl on Drive. We will be considering Collections as a possible path (among other options), but don’t have a change planned in the near-term.

  4. Open Shared Link Controls: Default Password Requirements for Open Shared Links

    REQUEST: Admin would like the ability to set a global control whereby all public/open ('people with the link') links must have a password.

    Our current controls on shared links impact all 3 Shared Link permissions causing additional impact on the user experience.

    154 votes
    23 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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    Instead of “require password” security control, we intend to support “Require OTP” requirement for public links (via SMS, Email, or TOTP). I wanted to share where we are headed. We do not plan on delivering this ask as is, but we do intend to solve the security use case behind it.

    Please comment if you disagree.

  5. Manual pause syncing

    Sometimes I want to reorder / organize / rename files before syncing.

    141 votes
    45 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap.

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  6. Fix file/folder size, counts, dates and storage

    I'd like to preface this by saying that this is a bug that needs to be fixed, not an idea. Even so, Box suggested we post this here to get others to chime in and say that this should be fixed.

    This is a problem that's been around for at least 1.5 years.

    Often, when an account's folders and files are transferred to someone else, the account from which the data was transferred still shows something greater than 0 bytes owned. This becomes a problem for deleting that user, because we can't be sure if the transfer worked, and we…

    141 votes
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    We are on track towards fixing this. We have made significant improvements in our Files, and Folder counts and their related sizes. They now happen in a near realtime speed and we also have a redundant process that runs and fixes these counts nightly. The current improvements are visible in most of your folders browsing experience and the enterprise level counts. We are in process of fixing counts that you can see for a given user, this will release in Calendar year 2024'Q3. There are also few minor improvements planned for the last quarter of the year.

  7. Box Drive performance improvement request when using VDI

    The VDI is experiencing operational delays when using Box Drive, and this is affecting our business.
    It was found that the delay was caused by a large number of disk I/Os.
    We checked the Box Drive logs and found that Box was reflecting 1,000 to 2,000 operation logs on Box to each user every morning.
    Since the above operations occur simultaneously for all users, there is a large load on the infrastructure.
    Please improve performance.

    「VDI利用時におけるBox Drive性能改善リクエスト」

    Box Drive利用時のVDIで操作遅延が発生しており業務影響が出ております。
    Box Driveのログを確認した所、Boxから毎朝1000~2000のBox上での操作ログを各ユーザーへ反映されていました。

    133 votes
    1 comment  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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  8. Run User Activity Report with API

    We would like to be able to run User Activity Report through the API.
    Users, groups and affected folders/files can be selected as a filter to export/run this report against. But today, keyboard typings and mouse clicks are required to select each filtering, which would be unrealistic to specify tens or hundreds of users, groups, folders and/or files.
    Thus, We would need API to utilize/filter User Activity Report at scale.

    133 votes
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  9. Customize Collaborator Permission Levels

    Any chance that we can have some flexibility in the "Collaborator Permission Levels." Can we develop a tool to edit these levels, like check which function the user can have. Having set levels with no flexibility is difficult because every user needs different access.

    128 votes
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  10. Automatically add date and time to all signature fields

    Currently, you need to manually add the date field to a sign request. The date field and timestamp of signature should automatically be added to all signature fields, as this information is always needed to validate a signature as an official document. The signing log, where this information is collected today, is often separated from the signed file and calls into question official status of the signature.

    121 votes
    on roadmap  ·  12 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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  11. Enhanced Lock/Unlock on Box Drive for CAD files

    I hope the Enhanced lock/unlock experience, which is currently only available for Office files, be made available for CAD files and others as well.

    121 votes
    8 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. We will place this in our backlog as we continue evaluating ideas to improve Box Drive. 

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  12. Ability to create dynamic forms

    For example: A Word document to convert into a dynamic form with pre populated field.

    118 votes
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  13. Add "Like" button to comments

    I would like to "like" comments on the preview so that is is easier to show that I have checked the comment without typing a new comment to say I have checked it.
    We are now getting more use to using reactions from Slack/Teams that it would be nice to react with a "like" or a thumbs up reaction.

    114 votes
    2 comments  ·  Annotations  ·  Admin →
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    We are planning on adding the ability to resolve comments in the future, but do not have the ability to like comments as part of the roadmap.

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  14. Syncing bookmarks and Windows shortcuts between Box Drive and online.

    To better organize my personal Box files and share with teams, I've saved my files in the team folder and used a Windows shortcut (in Box Drive) in my personal Box folder to link files/folders elsewhere on Box. Box Drive doesn't sync Window's shortcuts so these links are lost when working online. The workaround online is to use the bookmark function, using file/folder URLs to create shortcuts. It would be great if bookmarks or window's shortcuts synced between online and Box Drive modes. At the moment I'm having to bookmark online and shortcut on Drive to link up files and…

    114 votes
    21 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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  15. Create a Box group/alias or ability to select a different name to replace the workflow owner’s name.

    I’ve created several Relay workflows across the business and the issue I found is that people are reaching out to me because my name is tied to a task that is assigned to them. Often times, I do not have any context to the workflow so it results in me having to reach out to the person who started/uploaded the document. We want to avoid approvers having to reach out to the workflow owner vs. the actual owner of the program. This process would not be sustainable if it were rolled out to a larger company.

    Currently Example: Hayley creates…

    111 votes
    1 comment  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  16. Preview .msg / .eml in Box

    Ability to preview .msg and .eml files in Box natively.

    111 votes
    not planned  ·  16 comments  ·  Preview  ·  Admin →
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  17. Dynamically name signed documents based on metadata: signer's full name, company, email and others

    When there are documents in the same folder or templates that are repeatably signed with the same name (Ready Sign Link, Batch Send), Box Sign adds a number and () to the filename to note the different/unique files.

    There needs to be a better way to name the files - perhaps using metadata or using the unique id of the sign request. And then all files - signed docs and signed log would be renamed with the same name. Otherwise it's very hard to tell files apart when they all have the same name with just a number and ()…

    110 votes
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  18. 110 votes
    13 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    This is not technically possible with the current non-persistent architecture of Box Drive.

    When the ‘Box’ folder disappears (whens users quit, update, log out) Windows folder redirection creates a new ‘Box’ folder to continue to redirect content. This forks the redirection out of Box Drive.

    Workarounds have been investigated heavily, but the cost to implement is too large to commit to the roadmap now.

  19. Freedom to move folders

    Content sprawl is our #1 challenge. Please let us organize our folders. We don't want to interfere with the permissions, but I want to have an "Active Projects" folder and a "Project Archive" folder where I can drag and drop those relevant folders in.

    109 votes
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  20. Custom Columns (with sort) in Files List (Kind, Metadata, Access Stats, etc.)

    The webapp defaults to showing the user 3 columns - Name, Modified, and Size.

    This request is to allow the user to customize which columns are shown -- i.e., show me the Name, Size, and Metadata field X columns, but nothing else. Or show me the Name, Modified, and Access Stats (Previews) columns.

    Example columns to choose from:
    -Kind (File Type)
    -Access Stats (Preview, Download, etc.)
    -Metadata (specific template/field)
    -Created Date
    -Updated/Modified Date

    105 votes
    not planned  ·  19 comments  ·  Metadata  ·  Admin →
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