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9097 results found

  1. Create Setting to be able to 'Hide' user from Shared Contacts

    This pertains to companies who would like to be FERPA compliant.

    0 votes
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    not planned  ·  kwarudkar responded

    We have not heard much about this use case. For now, it is not prioritized. We will reconsider with additional updates.

  2. 2 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  3. Allow Auto-Provisioning from Box for Office App

    Currently, users who get Box for Office pushed to their computer (so they see the Box buttons in Outlook/Word/Excel/PowerPoint) but haven't gone to the Web App to auto-provision their account end up not being able to log into Box for Office as the Box for Office login flow does NOT support auto-provisioning.

    Request: Allow a user to auto-provision their account from any endpoint, including Box for Office.

    0 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
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  4. Bulk Add - Allow Adding of >1,000 Users at Once

    The Bulk Add tool currently can only handle adding about 1,000 users at once, which isn't scalable when our enterprise has tens or hundreds of thousands of users.

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  5. Dashboards - Enhanced (and Exportable) Dashboards in Admin Console

    This request is for enhanced dashboards inside the Admin Console, specifically:
    1. Exportable dashboards
    2. Customizable - add options to choose custom date ranges, etc.
    3. Allow for a 'double click' into the charts to see far more information - for example, don't just show me the top 5 users by storage total (like we do now) -- also allow me to 'double click' on that chart to see my top 100 or 500 even.

    1 vote
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    We intend to improve the Insights dashboard to provide more interactivity and customization. We will be working on the prerequisites to enable those improvements this year and will revisit these suggestions once they have been completed.

  6. Allow Auto-Provisioning from Box Sync App

    Currently, users who get Box Sync pushed to their computer (so they see the pop-up Box Sync login page) but haven't gone to the webapp to auto-provision their account end up not being able to log into Box Sync as the Sync login flow does NOT support auto-provisioning.

    Request: Allow a user to auto-provision their account from any endpoint, including Box Sync.

    7 votes
    not planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Box Sync  ·  Admin →
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  7. Bulk Edit - Add 'Status' column to Bulk Edit spreadsheet

    There is no way in the Admin Console to update 'status' (active, inactive, etc.) for 2 or more users at once (aka in bulk).

    22 votes
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    not planned  ·  kwarudkar responded

    Enhancements to the Bulk Add/Edit feature are not currently on the roadmap, but will keep track of this request and consider prioritizing if many customers are requesting it. User status can be edited via API or SAML

  8. Custom 'Views' / 'Labels' to Organize Folders in Box

    Request: provide the ability for end users to label or categorize folders in order to create different 'views' or 'workspaces' for their folders

    40 votes
    6 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  9. 2 votes
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    not planned  ·  katiele responded

    This suggestion is not under consideration for the current or future roadmap. We are currently focusing on making it easier to to view, edit, and delete users in the Users & Groups tab.

  10. Sharing Policy - Allow Pasting of Multiple Domains

    The UX for admins to enter in domains on the Policies -> Sharing policy is pretty bad.

    Box does not currently allow admins to paste in a list of multiple (even 2) domains at the same time, whether they're separate by spaces, semicolons, etc.

    If we have a list of 40 domains to enter, the admin types them in one by one.

    Request: allow for copy/pasting of multiple domains at once, just like we allow for in the 'invite collaborators' pop-up in the webapp.

    0 votes
    0 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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  11. 21 votes
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  12. 49 votes
    not planned  ·  3 comments  ·  Preview  ·  Admin →
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  13. Change Unique Identifier to Something other than Email Address

    This is the grouping for the common request for Box to use a unique identifier other than email address for managed users.

    Key pain point with the fact that Box uses email address as the unique identifier: Email addresses change often in large companies, thus requiring these companies to use custom API scripting to keep emails in Box updated based on changes in AD.

    This unique identifier (whether a mapped value from the customer's user store, aka AD, or the Box unique user ID) should also be the identifier used when users authenticate to Box using SSO (via SAML).

    20 votes
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    not planned  ·  katiele responded

    This feature request isn’t currently planned on the roadmap, but we are considering the notion of user attributes that can be placed on a user and then used for better context while sharing / collaborating and searching in the Admin Console.

    Please provide more use cases in the comments to help us understand the problem better.


    Currently, when an Upload Policy violation occurs, Box reports on that violation in 3 ways:
    1. Email notification
    2. Admin Console -> Reports tab
    3. Events API

    In the email notification and admin console->reports, Box provides the policy name for which the violation is occurring. However, Box does NOT include the policy name in the Events API entry, which causes a problem when we are pulling logs (via the Events API) into external reporting/SIEM tools like ArcSight/Splunk.

    Request: Add 'Policy Name' to the CONTENTWORKFLOWUPLOADPOLICYVIOLATION entry in the Events API (to reach parity with the native Admin…

    1 vote
    not planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  15. 2 votes
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    not planned  ·  eshi responded

    This is currently not on the roadmap as we have not heard this request from many other customers. We will consider it in the future if there is increased customer demand.

  16. Password reset email notifications to admins: Add possibility for admin to auto-reply to the affected user

    When Enterprise Setting: Notify Admins when users request a password reset email is checked, any other admin will to receive a notification whenever one of their Managed users request a new password.

    It would help being able to reply to the managed user from this notification in order to provide better interactivity between admin/user and control/security over the request.

    0 votes
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    not planned  ·  kwarudkar responded

    This is a reasonable request, however we do not have enough user demand to prioritize this feature. Please keep submitting your use cases!

  17. Adjust the Get Info button to pull from the properties of a Box Link vs from the HTML Header tag information

    This would be much more user friendly (and expected) for the proper data to populate when clicking Get Info if the hyperlink is a shared link.

    We are mostly requesting that the folder name as a bookmark populates.

    0 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  vlarco responded

    This is an interesting feature! However, it does not have enough demand or impact in order to be prioritized. We will reconsider with additional demand.

  18. 0 votes
    0 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  nnathoo responded

    It would be great to get more insight into how you are thinking about this. For example:

    - Who would revalidates the user?
    - Does your company have an idea on how they’d like to revalidate users?
    - How often?
    - What is the current workaround (if any)?
    - How does this impact your use of Box today?

  19. Ability to pin a folder to remain at the top of the main Box Web App screen.

    Either a user or an admin should be able to pin a folder.

    Using favorites is the current alternative, but for usability purposes and sharing important content, pinning would be helpful as well

    45 votes
    9 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  20. Open Shared Link Controls: Add "Default" option for 'download' permissions on Shared Links

    Example: Disable 'download' permissions on all shared links by default, but allow users to re-enable 'download' permissions on a link-by-link basis.

    Allow admins to default the "Let link viewers" option in Content & Sharing in Enterprise Settings. Currently we can restrict or allow this feature, but we cannot set the default option like we can we shared link access levels.

    8 votes
    0 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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