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9146 results found

  1. 22 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    not planned  ·  Anonymous responded

    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap.  Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  2. Ability to create Box reports by API

    To import snapshot data (folders and files, collaborations etc.) to SIEM like Splunk, it's convenient that Box reports data can be created by API.

    22 votes
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    not planned  ·  jfain responded

    Customers can utilize the existing events infrastructure to gather this data, so we do not have any plans to provide snapshots in fewer API calls in the short term.

  3. We would like to have the ability to receive a notification after uploading a file from a file request link to confirm that the file was upl

    After uploading from the file request link, "File successfully submitted" is displayed, but it is not possible to check which folder the file was uploaded to and when, so it is not possible to determine if the file was actually uploaded correctly.
    Since uploading from a file request link can be done by non-accounted users, it is not practical to check the destination folder, but we would like to see the feature implemented, since receiving a notification would provide evidence that the file was uploaded correctly, as well as the date and time of the upload.


    21 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  4. Ability to Name Scheduled Reports

    Add the ability to name the scheduled report. Currently the report is delivered as a csv file with the generic name of the report being run ie: "User Activity" and a date/time stamp. It would be very helpful to have the ability to type the name of the report so when it is delivered to me or my team the name is meaningful, and we readily know the content of the report. For example, if we have multiple reports scheduled, but they all arrive with the name "User Activity" we must open each one to determine what the content is…

    21 votes
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  5. Annotate TIFF files

    Provide photographers and digital asset teams with the ability to annotate TIFF images for down-selection, similarly to annotations on PNG or JPG files.

    21 votes
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  6. Need to see a setting button added to the Box Mobile shooting mode screen to "select photo quality"

    When capturing photos directly for inclusion in Box Notes, the high camera performance of the iPhone results in large file sizes for each individual photo.
    As a consequence, it takes a considerable amount of time for photo to be displayed(uploaded) within the Box Notes.

    To address this issue, I would appreciate it if the option to "select photo quality" could be extended to the camera capture mode as well.

    Currently, the option to "select photo quality" is available only in the continuous capture mode.
    By enabling this feature in the standard camera mode, users would have the flexibility to adjust…

    21 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
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  7. Get Rid of Waterfall Permissions - Allow Subfolder Security To Be Set Differently

    It is absolutely ridiculous that a company as large as Box is using waterfall permissions for all enterprise accounts.

    In a business environment, it is absolutely necessary to be able to set specific permissions on subfolders within a large data folder that all users have access to. This is a simple feature included with every other cloud file provider we've ever used.

    Needs to be included ASAP.

    21 votes
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    Hi, I am a Product Manager for Box's File System, I am looking for real world examples from your business needs where the waterfall permissions doesnt work. The more elaborate the example is the better it will be. Would you be willing to share?

  8. block an upload by external user using Box Drive with smart access

    The current Shield feature only controls downloading, cannot blocks uploading/syncing and is not ransom-proof. The biggest problem is that when external users use BoxDrive and BoxSync, ransomware-infected files are uploaded/synchronized on Box.

    21 votes
    0 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  9. Reflect Power Point page number settings in Box preview

    When page numbers are inserted in Power Point starting from the slide following the cover page and the slide start number is set to 0, there is a difference in the page numbers when viewed from the Power Point desktop application and when previewed in Box.
    In the Power Point app, the slide on the page following the cover page has a page number of 1, but in the Box preview screen it is 2.

    There is no workaround for users invited with previewer or shared via a view-only shared link, as they cannot edit or download.
    Please reflect the…

    21 votes
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  10. Box Mobile - need to "Add Comment" to a photo at time of capture

    Need ability to apply a comment or description to a photo when it is taken if "Review photo after capture" setting is on. This was part of Box Capture functionality. With Box Mobile, currently have to take the photo and then navigate to Capture History, then locate photo, open it, select comment, and begin typing - that's a lot of taps :)

    Quick access to the File Information - Description would be preferred over Comments because you are able to hover over the "i" tool tip and read whatever text was entered against the image file without having to preview…

    21 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
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  11. Box Sign: add option to require recipient 2FA on template definition

    Add the option to define that 2FA is required for some recipients (signers), on template definition itself.
    That way, in combination with template locking admin can enforce users to set it while using the template

    21 votes
    on roadmap  ·  3 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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  12. Data Validation for Fields

    Data validation functionality to allow users to enforce specific text/data format rules for text fields.

    21 votes
    3 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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  13. Display warning if a document is open

    Display a warning similar to read-only if another team member has a file open. Currently this is not possible without code installed at the individual PC level and there is no solution with MAC (just confirmed with support). The conflicting versions can be frustrating for teams and the tiny lock icon is just not a large enough warning when opening from box drive.

    21 votes
    3 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    For Office files stored in Box, we are enabling the capability coauthor in real-time with collaborators. This will eliminate issues that arise when creating conflict copies. For other files types that do not support coauthoring, we do not have a feature planned on our roadmap, to notify users when the file is locked outside of the lock icon that is displayed on the file in the Explorer/Finder view. 

    We will place this in our backlog as we continue evaluating ideas to improve Box Drive.

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  14. Secure open link - Require email address verification with one-time password

    Please add "Require email address confirmation by one-time password" to the Open Link settings.
    This will allow the access statistics to show the email addresses of users who have accessed from the open link, so that you can determine if the access is suspicious or not.

    【Problem to be solved】
    The current open link is not secure enough.
    This is because it is not possible to determine who accessed the file.
    With the current use, if a user who is not logged in to Box accesses from an open link, the access history only shows the IP address and…

    21 votes
    4 comments  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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  15. google shared drive

    Allow Google Drive "Shared drives" content to be copied directly to the integrated Box extension in Gsuite. Currently, this is only available from "My Drive". The work around is to copy "Shared drives" content to "My Drive" (which in itself is awkward, because only files, and not folders, can be copied directly in the cloud), and then copy content from "My Drive" to Box.

    21 votes
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  16. Improve reliability of email upload

    Improve reliability of email upload

    Email upload can sometimes get delayed. Most of the time upload is completed relatively soon, but sometimes it takes hours to complete. We want this feature to be more reliable and predictable.

    21 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  17. box relay shared link

    Using Box Relay, create the following new outcome: Based on a metadata value when stored on on a file or folder, create and share a web link to the email address(es) in the metadata value, with specified collaboration.

    21 votes
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  18. New Web UI and custom logo

    In the old UI, you could use any logo in the top left corner of the screen.

    We've been given the answer that the only place we can set a logo is in the top right corner of the screen with the new UI.
    However, users are used to the logo being in the top left corner and would like to have the option to place it in the top left.

    21 votes
    3 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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    Thank you for your feedback! In an effort to modernize our application, we have made significant updates to our Web product to ensure that we improve our user experience while retaining custom branding for customers. Given that this feedback is related to user preference, we will continue to monitor if users continue to feel strongly about this. At this time, we do not plan to change this experience.

  19. View Tags in Collections

    The organization heavily uses tags to help with search and sorting. We'd like to have our Tags show on files folders/files when looking at a Collection

    21 votes
    0 comments  ·  Collections  ·  Admin →
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  20. Alert notification when moving folders in Box Drive

    When the user move from the folder sharing with collaborators (the folder’s owner is others) to the private folder on Box Drive, it occur an error after a while. I think I want to inform the user prompty before doing that if their operation is wrong.
    Please display an alert like same as operation on web UI before the user try to move folders on Box Drive.

    21 votes
    1 comment  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap.

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

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