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9145 results found

  1. COPY / MOVE API events to include origin file's ID, name and location

    Currently there is no way to know which file was copied/moved in Box Events API. It is only possible to see the destination file name and location, and only if the file was copied/moved within one Box instance. This presents a major challenge for customers who want to build custom programs that monitor copy/move activity both inside and outside their Box instances.

    39 votes
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  2. Backup user folders to Box Drive

    To make the capture and backup of user content on our users' local systems easier, Box Drive should have an option to automatically select and sync the contents of user folders on both Macs and Windows computers (e.g., Desktop, Documents, etc.).

    39 votes
    not planned  ·  2 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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  3. Permanent Folder Tree View in Webapp (Similar to Windows Explorer/Finder)

    Currently we have a 'jump to folder' option that provides a modal for navigating by using a folder tree view. Many customers would like this same tree view of their content as a permanent sidebar in the webapp for faster/easier 1) navigation and 2) context for where they're at in any given folder tree.

    39 votes
    not planned  ·  2 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  4. Shield Malware Threat Detection False Positives on Excel Documents with Macros

    Multiplan (160k ARR) turned on Malware Deep Scan and was getting 3-5 false positives per day because users across multiple departments often work on Excel Documents with Macros. Due to their process, users need to upload new versions of these Excel documents daily (they cannot use Version Control to handle this). So the IT team is being pinged every time a new version is added. This has been so overwhelming that the IT team has turned off Malware Detection. They will enable again if Macros are not accidentally flagged as potentially malicious.

    38 votes
    2 comments  ·  Shield  ·  Admin →
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  5. Make Workflows Shareable Among Users (Box Relay and Box Relay Lite)

    In Box Relay, we can check the progress of workflows in the [Tracking] function.
    Currently, only the owner of the workflow, and Admins who are granted to access to workflows can see this [Tracking].

    However, the progress of workflows within the enterprise should be visible to other users as well.
    (e.g. Users who have tasks assigned in the workflow, or Co-Owners of the folder where the workflow is triggered.)

    It would be useful if the owners could share their workflows to other users.

    38 votes
    on roadmap  ·  1 comment  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  6. Add notes at timestamps of audio and video

    Enable users to add timestamp notes (annotations, comments) on files with audio or video. For example: the ability to add a note at a certain point in time in the video, especially for feedback purposes.

    38 votes
    not planned  ·  7 comments  ·  Preview  ·  Admin →
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  7. Office Online Only Setting

    A setting that folder owners could implement that makes it so the document can only be opened/edited with Office Online.

    38 votes
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    Shield's download and print restrictions can prevent non owner/co-owner collaborators from downloading sensitive content based on classification and still allow them to open/edit the file with Office Online.

  8. Real-time security dashboard

    We want a realtime dashboard that shows flow and actions around content. Would give security researchers insight into security events happening in their instance.

    38 votes
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  9. Ability to run custom in-app messaging banners from the Admin Console

    Admins would like to create custom in-app messaging banners to display to their users when they are logged into Box.

    In-App Messaging banners could be used to promote training, drive awareness and adoption, inform users of new features or internal policies, etc.

    38 votes
    not planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin Console  ·  Admin →
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  10. Box for Office integration with Mac OSX

    We would like Box for Office desktop integration w/Mac OSX. Some use the web apps for o365. Some use Office 2016 for mac that connects into o365.

    38 votes
    8 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
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  11. Auto-Created 'All Users' Group

    Add the option to the Groups tab to have a 'smart' group that auto-adds all Managed Users - this is a commonly used practice to provide all users with a 'getting started' folder, but currently must be either managed manually or sent to Box via SAML (meaning the customer must keep the group updated in AD).

    38 votes
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  12. "inactive" or "archive" flag maps to less-expensive storage

    Provide ability to flag/classify files and folders in a way that allows Box to move them to a less-expensive storage offering on the back-end. This can be referred to as an "inactive" or "archive" flag.


    During the Box Higher Education Community Monthly Open Discussion on January 11th, an idea to submit to Box Pulse was formed, and seemed to have support from all in attendance (25-30 institutions).

    Box acknowledges that there is a growing concern around constantly increasing storage, and the costs associated with it. The majority of files stored in Box are perceived (or…

    37 votes
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  13. I want the ability to add comments to the version history

    Now in the version history you will find the version number (for example: V1,V2...) is currently listed in the version history, the version number (for example: V1, V2...).
    We check the contents of V1, V2... in the preview and restore the version.

    However, as the number of versions increases, it is difficult to find the exact version you need, so please add the ability to add a simple note in addition to the version number.

    現在バージョン履歴では、バージョンナンバー(for example:V1,V2...)が記載されています。


    37 votes
    1 comment  ·  Preview  ·  Admin →
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    We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  14. Allow folders to be uploaded with File Request

    File Request is a helpful feature, but often isn't useful as most external parties want to share folders (including sub folders) of documents with us. Can a feature be added to allow folders to be shared as part of File Request - perhaps renamed to Folder/File Request?

    37 votes
    6 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  15. Open Link in New Tab

    Really wish the right click in the web page navigation allowed me to open the link in a new tab so I didn't have to navigate back to the beginning every time I want to open a new folder.

    37 votes
    10 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  16. Create and assign tasks from mobile

    Create and assign tasks from mobile.

    37 votes
    5 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
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    We are not currently planning to implement this feature on mobile in the next 6-12 months. We will update this issue as we continue to explore the functionality.

  17. Box Drive Adjust Shared Links

    Content Owners should be able to adjust a shared link setting directly from Box Drive, i.e. change from "People in this Folder" to "People in my Company"

    37 votes
    3 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap.

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  18. @'ing box groups in comments

    Is there a way to @mention a box user group in the comments section? We have executive team groups of 4-7 people that need tagged in the comments for notifications to approve and discussed projects, but when you are @'ing all 7 it looks a little messy as well as remembering all of those users. Since the email addresses are linked in the box group, would it be possible to @mention that unique group name in the comment and get the same result as @'ing a single user name?
    I look forward to hearing your thoughts/feedback.

    37 votes
    1 comment  ·  Box Notes  ·  Admin →
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    Thank you for your feedback! We believe this feature is important and can provide significant value to the Notes product experience. However, we cannot prioritize this feature in the near term. We will keep this under consideration for our future roadmap.

  19. Report on installed Box Drive versions by user

    Need a report admins can run that will show all users who have ever used Drive and what the last version of Drive they last used was. Ideally there is a Device ID or Device Name as well.

    Use Case - Often admins do not have a device management system which would be used to run this report. Without that system in place OR without all devices being managed under it, admins have no visibility into what software is installed on their unmanaged users machines. Box won't be able to tell them all users who have it installed (if it…

    37 votes
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  20. Expose Metadata & Metadata Templates in Box Mobile App

    Includes the ability to:
    1. View metadata (including templates) already applied to content
    2. Add/edit metadata to content directly in the app

    37 votes
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