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9097 results found

  1. Unable to add a content to a Hub site due to folder settings and Enterprise settings

    When an user who is invited as editor to contents at folder level or file level tries to choose q folder or file to add a Hub site, those files and folders are grayed out and unable to choose.
    this is due to the invite is limited at enterprise setting or folder setting as below.

    / At Enterprise settings, Box amin checks "only the admin, fokder owner and co-owers can nvite collaborators"
    /At folder settings, "only folder owenrs and co-owners can send collaborators invites" is checked

    This is bit strange because the user is editor, but it seems that…

    42 votes
    not planned  ·  3 comments  ·  Box Hubs  ·  Admin →
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  2. Box Sign - Make PDF form fields fillable

    Box Sign does not currently recognize embedded PDF form fields. You can add a text, date, checkbox, or signature field to a PDF document, but the original form fields are unavailable (but left intact).

    Use case: We ask our contractors to complete IRS W-9 forms using the standard IRS fillable PDF forms. If Box Sign could recognize the embedded fields in the IRS forms, our contractors could fill out, sign, and file the forms in one process. As it is, we will have to send them the fillable PDF form, ask them to fill it in and send it to…

    42 votes
    not planned  ·  5 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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  3. Increase size of left-side menu on Home screen

    The left-side menu on the Home screen is too narrow and cuts off the names of folders/files saved under My Collections/Favorites.

    Users should be able to set whatever width is needed for the menu.

    42 votes
    3 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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    We are making the overall Box Web App responsive so that users can get the information they need to engage with content effectively instead of improving the UX of each component piecemeal.

  4. SSO exception

    Ability to have exceptions for SSO for specific amdin accounts/test users. Use case: there's a series of admin accounts we use that own folders/content in Box but aren't actual users. Now when we want to turn on SSO - we now have to have OKTA accounts for those accounts and test users, when we'd prefer to just do Box 2FA for those vs. SSO enabled for all

    42 votes
    1 comment  ·  Security  ·  Admin →
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  5. Show classification of files in Box Drive

    We use Classifications to indicate restrictions on who a file can be shared with, e.g. confidential information supplied by third party that cannot be shared with other parties involved in a project. While classification is displayed within Box, there is no indication of the restriction if the file is accessed through Box Drive which could lead to unauthorized disclosure.

    42 votes
    5 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. We will place this in our backlog as we continue evaluating ideas to improve Box Drive.

    Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!

  6. Disable signature frame

    Recently the Signature Frame is released on Box Sign.

    I would like to have an option to disable this because we do not need it for internal sign.

    41 votes
    on roadmap  ·  5 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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  7. Bulk Delete (Delete 2 or more users at once)

    Add a native Bulk Delete tool on the Users tab of the Admin Console to complement the existing Bulk Add and Bulk Edit tools that we already have.

    Key Asks:
    1. Use a similar Excel sheet as the Bulk Add/Bulk Edit tool
    2. Ability to have a column with the user email to be deleted
    3. A column to choose who to automatically transfer the user's content to (the spreadsheet version of the existing Delete & Transfer UI that we have)
    4. Columns to choose whether to notify each user (the user being deleted and the user receiving the deleted…

    41 votes
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    not planned  ·  katiele responded

    We are not planning releasing bulk delete functionality at this time since we are focusing our efforts on building faster and more usable users pages. We will revisit this feature request next year.

  8. Content owners to be searchable even if they own more than 1 million items

    Currently, Box's search function becomes unstable when the owner of the content you want to check owns more than 1 million pieces of content,
    making it impossible to hit the file correctly. It takes a huge amount of time to check the number of contents of the owner of the content to be confirmed each time in order to perform a file search correctly,
    which affects business operations. Please improve the search function so that it can be used correctly even if the content you want to check has more than 1 million owners


    40 votes
    researching  ·  0 comments  ·  Search  ·  Admin →
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  9. Ability to disable access code step for Ready Sign Link

    Ready Sign Links requires an access code today. There should be a way to disable the MFA request so users don't need to validate via access code.

    40 votes
    on roadmap  ·  0 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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  10. Transfer Workflow Ownership (not sending it as a template but as a workflow)

    Recently the workflow ownership transfer has been released.

    However, this is to make the template of the workflow that is needed to be transferred.

    There is a need to transfer the actual workflow for below reasons:

    1. the new owner needs to check the past workflow activity but with the template it is not possible
    2. since it is a template, the new owner still needs to make the workflow

    Thank you for your consideration.

    40 votes
    0 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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    We definitely want to address this use case (new owner sees past workflow activity) but do not have plans to address it in the near term. We will update when we have a firmer idea of when this can be tackled.

  11. Teams v2 enhancement to save recording data of Teams meeting

    We would like to have enhancement for Teams v2 integration to store recording data of teams meeting into box.

    Currently we can only able to select sharepoint or onedrive.

    40 votes
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  12. Support multi-file for rejected task trigger in Relay

    Suppose you like to assign an approval task to a person with multiple files and when the task is rejected, you like to move the package of those “rejected” files to a different folder("Rejected folder) instead of having them sat in the triggered folder.

    For a single file, you can create the following workflow containing 2 flows and it works perfect as expected, however it doesn't work for multi-files...
    Flow 1: Trigger Manual start-> Outcome: Assign task -> When rejected, the flow is end
    Flow 2: Trigger Task -> Outcome: when the task is rejected, move the file to “Rejected…

    40 votes
    1 comment  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  13. Stop disabling access to content when its owner account is deactivated.

    If content owner's account is disabled, any collaborators lose access to said content. A different workflow needs to be put into place to allow these collaborators access to content previously shared with them.

    Either automatically transfer ownership to a co-owner or when the original owner account is being suspended, add options for preserving access to other collaborators.

    40 votes
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  14. Make login page more intuitive for non-managed users

    When users or collaborators visit Box from the customer's account, they get confused when they get directed to their SSO page and not the login page.

    A suggestion is to have the user input their username before getting redirected to the SSO page or make the “not a part of COMPANY?” a bigger option and more visible for the user.

    40 votes
    11 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  15. New Search Filter - 'Last Updated By'

    Currently, Box users can't search by a criteria of the user who updated some document most recently. There's a search filter for 'owner', but not 'last updated/modified by'.

    REQUEST: Add a 'last updated/modified by' filter to the quick search and full search results filter options.

    40 votes
    2 comments  ·  Search  ·  Admin →
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  16. @Mention Someone When Replying to an Annotation in a Box Note

    iIt would be nice to be able to @mention someone in a Annotation within the Box Note. I know you can do it in the comments, but if a note is lengthy and you want to put someone's nose right to where you want them to look (or a tasks you've assigned them to), this would be nice to have.

    40 votes
    1 comment  ·  Box Notes  ·  Admin →
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    Thanks for the feedback. Adding @mention to the body of the Note is something that we believe would improve the annotations experience in BoxNotes. Although we can’t prioritize this feature at the moment, we will consider this feature when planning our future roadmap.

  17. Custom 'Views' / 'Labels' to Organize Folders in Box

    Request: provide the ability for end users to label or categorize folders in order to create different 'views' or 'workspaces' for their folders

    40 votes
    6 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  18. Advanced Box search capabilities: Being able to search by Creator, Co-owner or Editor

    We believe that there are some key data elements that should be filters in the search (and are collected by Box so they should be searchable) and hope to see them in the future. The main one is the "creator" since the "owner" is the only filter that allows you to determine who created the content. Since our Box instance is configured in a way where BoxAdmin owns all of our content, BoxAdmin is also the "owner" of everything. This makes search useless when someone is looking for content that they created.

    40 votes
    not planned  ·  6 comments  ·  Search  ·  Admin →
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  19. Box Canvas files should be able to be used in mobile apps.

    We would like to use Box Canvas on our smart devices and would like Box Canvas to be available on Box for EMM.

    39 votes
    not planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Box Canvas  ·  Admin →
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  20. Import/Store external own contacts to use regularly as recipients

    This is where users have their own contact list with email addresses and want to use these regularly in unique documents rather than templates. The request is to import and maintain these so they can be easily looked up when adding the signers to send a document to.

    39 votes
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