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9097 results found

  1. Drive: Search for offline files when disconnected from internet

    Box Drive should have search functionality when offline and for items that are marked for offline.

    56 votes
    9 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
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    This capability is available on macOS. For Windows users, we are working on the Box Drive Cloud Files version, which addresses this issue due to its completely different architecture. Please see more details here

  2. "Lock" a folder taxonomy

    This allows a folder owner (or developer) to lock a folder taxonomy in place so that Editors can add and update documents but not create or rename folders.

    56 votes
    6 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  3. Box Sign via Text / SMS

    Make it possible to send documents to be signed via text messages and other apps, such as WhatsApp, etc. Many of our clients don't have email addresses.

    55 votes
    3 comments  ·  Box Sign  ·  Admin →
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    Box Sign via Text/SMS is not under consideration for the future 2024 roadmap due to other priorities and effort. 

    Please continue upvoting the request, we will review this request again next year. 

  4. The option to cascade Relay triggers to subfolders for all triggers

    Box needs to add the cascade option to all Relay triggers to catch activity in underlying subfolders. The legacy automations feature that Box had did this by default. Now, the alternative is having to create several relay workflows that is too cumbersome to manage and doesn't scale.

    55 votes
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  5. Convert BoxNote to PDF, DOCX, etc...

    BoxNotes would be much more useful if there was an ability to able to generate a PDF or other document format that can be stored in a more traditional method in Box. Some customer that work in the regulated space can't use BoxNotes for various reasons. But, in many cases there is an issue with the fact that BoxNotes does not follow the same retention capabilities we have in Governance. Also, Keysafe does not support BoxNotes, so it may be a workaround if BoxNotes were archivable.

    The initial idea would be to support PDF generation, but i can also see…

    55 votes
    3 comments  ·  Box Notes  ·  Admin →
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  6. Add fixed-width font options

    Ticket # INC4849532 - Customer wants to use Box Notes to write documents that contain code-snippets and excerpts from logs. They would like to use a fixed-width font for these snippets, but Box Notes doesn't allow them to select font and there's no style for fixed-width.

    The issue is the same as the one described in this forum post:

    55 votes
    2 comments  ·  Box Notes  ·  Admin →
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  7. Custom collaboration expiration periods for individual folder collaborators

    Currently, the only options for collaboration expiration on a folder is set at an enterprise level.

    The request is multipart, for the options to
    1) Set a custom collaboration expiration period at the folder level only (regardless of what the enterprise setting is)
    2) Set different expiration periods (e.g. 30 days vs 60 days) for different collaborators or groups within the folder

    55 votes
    not planned  ·  7 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  8. Sorting: Fix the Incorrect Numerical Sort Order

    The webapp currently handles number sorting in an odd (non-standard) way.

    For example:
    --For three file names beginning with: 1, 2, and 12
    --The webapp would sort these as: 1, 12, 2
    Which clearly isn't in the correct numerical order.

    Windows (and Finder) sort these correctly as: 1, 2, 12.

    55 votes
    15 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  9. We want to restore a file by ourselves in Box Drive, when our accidentally move/delete it.

    When using Box Drive, we often move/delete file(s) by mistake!

    We want easily check the history of actions taken to moved/deleted contents, in order to easily restore it to its original location in case of a mistake.

    (in Japanese)
    【誤操作でBox Driveのファイルを移動・削除した時、自分で復元したい】

    Box Driveを使用していると、ファイルを間違って移動/削除することがよくあります!


    54 votes
    0 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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  10. Seamless Sign On - Box Drive

    Like OneDrive, we want the ability for the box drive client to seamlessly sign into box without any user integration at login. This will benefit;
    - VDI users
    - Hot desk users
    - Students (e.g. lab machines)
    - First time logon for staff allocated devices

    We understand this won't work for everybody but we to SSO to box via Azure AD and all of our 7,500 managed devices are joined to both on-premises AD and Azure AD. In fact we're starting have a slow migration to pure Azure AD.

    This has stopped any large scale rollout and we have seen…

    54 votes
    not planned  ·  3 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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  11. 54 votes
    not planned  ·  10 comments  ·  Desktop  ·  Admin →
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  12. Shared Link Lookup Tool

    Problem: Admins often need to do investigation of files stored in Box and all they have to go off of is the file/folder's shared link. Since admins can't search by shared link in the current Content Manager UI, a Shared Link Lookup tool would provide similar information.

    Key Features:
    -Provide ability to enter a shared link (standard or vanity URL)
    -Information returned after searching:
    -File/folder name
    -File/folder owner
    -File/folder location (Owner -> Folder hierarchy)
    -Status (whether the file/folder has been deleted or not)
    -Admin-level 'delete' (ability for the admin to delete the file on the spot)

    54 votes
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  13. Export Groups - Add an 'Export Groups' Button to Groups Summary Page & Individual Group Page

    There is currently no way for admins to export a report (xlsx) of their Groups - whether at the summary Groups level or at the individual Group level

    This is problematic for companies that have pages and pages of Groups in the Admin Console, or want to manage just one group (as the current Export Users report from the Users page - the only place any Group info IS currently exported - exports ALL users in an EID, which is overload).

    REQUEST 1: Groups Summary Export - Desired Columns:
    1 Row per Group / Mirror the Columns on the Groups

    54 votes
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  14. Setting Folder Autodelete via API

    The automatic deletion date of a folder can be set from the web screen, but it seems that it cannot be set from the API.

    Could you please provide the ability to set this date from the API?

    We have a process that automatically creates thousands of folders using the API, but since it is not possible to set an automatic deletion date, a large number of past folders will continue to remain.

    53 votes
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  15. Ability to specify the destination folder for periodic output of Box reports

    We would like to be able to output Box reports periodically by specifying a folder.
    Currently, it is possible to output reports on a regular basis, but when providing them to users, it is necessary to manually move the output results, which takes a lot of man-hours.
    We would like to be able to fully automate this process, so we are making this request.


    53 votes
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  16. Large Folder Operation email notification when the operation is finished

    I would like to have the user and admin to receive an email notification once the large folder operation (LFO) is finished so that each counterpart knows when the operation is finished.

    53 votes
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  17. Approval Task With Box Relay Enhancements

    When allocating approval tasks in Box Relay, users are able to uncheck the "Invite the person in charge as a viewer" function.
    In addition, if "Invite users as viewers" is enabled, and the members in charge have been granted permission as members of a group, which prevent them from being invited to the file as viewers.

    52 votes
    0 comments  ·  Workflow  ·  Admin →
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  18. Add Linux to Web app QA process

    The web app UX is horrible on Linux. It's not just one bug, but dozens of bugs that affect Linux and ChromeOS users.

    - Downloading a Docx will prompt you to open with Word instead
    - Clicking Open will prompt you to install Box Tools
    - Clicking install Box Tools will download an EXE file

    All of these are completely irrelevant and an annoying hurdle for Linux users. Box Tools for linux doesn't exist. Linux Users can't run EXE files. Open With Word doesn't make ANY sense, as Word doesn't exist for Linux.

    Please fix.

    52 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web App  ·  Admin →
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  19. Box Sign: Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA)

    Box Sign: Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) via integration with LexisNexis for Box Sign.

    IRS requires knowledge based authentication to verify the identity of the person who is signing (confirm social security #, etc. )

    DocuSign doesn't offer this unless you request it and pay extra. Box Sign could require that customers pay extra for this too.

    Mortgage, banking, finance companies require this. 

    5% of all of my customer's signatures require using KBA.

    51 votes
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  20. Sync multiple accounts to Box Drive

    Allow multiple accounts to sync with Box Drive.

    Many of us have multiple corporate/personal accounts that require local drive sync'd access.

    51 votes
    10 comments  ·  Box Drive  ·  Admin →
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    We’re not planning a ‘fast switch’ option to allow a user to easily switch between 2 different Box accounts on Box Drive while maintaining all cached data. The only option we have now is that users can ‘logout’ of their current account and sign into another account, but the caveat is that this will delete all their local cached data/MFO settings from Box Drive

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